Alex from Ma, What’s for Dinner made my day Friday when she informed me I was one of the bloggers she recently discovered and think – wait for it – I am fantastic.
I am truly honoured I made Alex’s list.
So here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason.
1. Thank you again, Alex. I strive to be versatile so this award means a lot.
2. Seven things about myself…
• I am a mom to an almost 20-year-old stepdaughter and an almost two-year-old son. So I know all about how fast time flies.
• I survived a child in the preteen years and have almost made it through the teen years. I will take a teenager over a pre-teen any day.
• I have dreams of being a SAHM, however, reality forces me to get up every day and go to my job as a copy editor/web writer at a Toronto community newspaper chain.
• It has finally happened. I am officially old. I used to be the youngest person at the office and now I am one of the oldest. The music of my youth is now considered oldies. I haven’t been in school in 14 years.
• Blue and yellow are my favourite colours. I am slowly getting the blue and yellow house of my dreams.
• I have been married for five years, with my husband for 11, owning our current house together for nine.
• Baking bread, the smell of flour out of the freezer, fresh-cut grass and vanilla are smells I never tire of.
3. And the bloggers who I would like to nominate for the Versatile Blogger Award are:
http://mz-cellaneous.blogspot.com - From how to prevent sweaty boobs to her desire for a long-horned cow, this blogger always keeps me entertained.
www.honeyandjam.com – This homeschooled girl takes fabulous pictures.
http://lady-mama.blogspot.com - If I wasn’t afraid of becoming a stalker, I would actually like to hang out at this British-Canadian woman’s house.
http://lindyandree.blogspot.com/ - Food, photos and fun wraps up this woman’s blog
http://me-myself-and-pie.blogspot.com - I want to live near this blogger’s house so she can make me breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, particularly strawberry shortcake.
http://octoberfarm.blogspot.com - If I didn’t have to deal with tornadoes, I would also like to live near this blogger who bakes bread often. Bread. Yum. Besides, she has a countdown to Halloween on her blog. Bread and Halloween. Perfect.
http://rainforestmommy.blogspot.com - This blogger lives in the rainforest with her precious boy and tons of animals. Her life seems quite exciting.
http://thekatherinewheel.blogspot.com - I really like this blogger. Her writing always keeps me reading.
Thank you Lisa! I got this one from someone else too...I will have to pass it along again :) You are so Sweet! I will post it in a couple pf days when thing slow down here.
Thank you so much for this award! I love your blog and read it everyday. I'll pass the award along in the next day or so.
Cheers :-)
- Rainforest Mommy
Thanks! Now I'm going to have to think of some great people to pass it along to.
Thanks, Lisa! You're so sweet. And congrats on the award yourself. =)
You deserve it babe!!! Thanks for the kind words.
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner
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