Friday, August 20, 2010

Blog Warning

I heard a story on the radio this morning that makes me sick.

I am writing about in hopes it will ease the pressure on my heart and allow me to put it aside.

A Toronto two-year-old, who was left inside a SUV in Houston, Texas, for two hours, has died.

The inside temperature of the car reached 50 C (122 F).

The radio report I heard said the toddler’s older sibling was having a seizure, which is why the child was left in the car parked outside a relative’s house.

Initial reports, which I have been reading, didn’t have that information but said the child was forgotten in the confusion of unloading the car from a shopping trip.

Please do not think I am judging because I certainly am not. I understand things get busy and people get distracted. I also understand that is easy to think your spouse is dealing with one child, while you deal with the other.

I guess this awful, tragic and incredibly sad story is a reminder to never let your guard down.

For me it was so hard to continue to drive to work. I wanted to race back to my son, scoop him up and hug him tight.


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to that family. Very sad. So true that we get caught up in the tasks and forget what is most important--the people we love.

Mrs.Mayhem said...

Those kinds of stories make me feel sick - for the poor child, the family, everyone involved.

I can't help but, as a mother, put myself in those parents' positions. What an awful price to pay for forgetfulness.

Shell said...

How incredibly heartbreaking.

Nicole said...

I saw that story, it's terrible. I know that we have all been in a rush, I know we have all made mistakes, but my god, the thought of that poor little one in such a hot car. Oh, it breaks my heart.

Amber said...

Absolutely heart breaking. :(

Stephanie said...

It's a lesson for everyone, one of humility and understanding. I think we all assume we would never forget something so important, and yet I wonder how often we forget other things, to turn off a burner in the kitchen or unplug the iron. The recent string of summer downing’s is another example of how easy it is to assume that someone else is watching the little ones we love. I suppose all we can do is be vigilant about the safety of those who need us to protect them; and to not pass judgment on those whose mistakes cost them dearly. My thoughts are with the family.

CoconutPalmDesigns said...

I think my heart just broke. That poor baby. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.

- Rainforest Mommy

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness, how horrible. My prayers are with that family.

AiringMyLaundry said...

How incredibly sad :(

Helen McGinn said...

How terribly shocking and sad. That poor family.

Norma said...

As with so many of these tragic events, the only thing I can say is, "there but by the Grace of God." Such a sad, sad story.

Haddock said...

An eye opener

Unknown said...

That's tragic. My heart is breaking for them.