Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Everything is New Again

What’s really neat about babies, and toddlers, is that everything is new.

While my son experienced his first snowfall last year, he was wrapped in a snowsuit, in a blanket and then in his carriage. It’s not quite the same thing.

This year, he is really experiencing snow for the first time. After our first snowfall, and before we left for the day, I brought in a handful of snow and gave it to him.

He touched it. Squished it. And of course ate it, offering me his ‘Ew, gross’ face. He then put it down. Picked it up. Squished it again.

Yesterday, I loved watching his face as he pointed out the big, fluffy flakes that were falling from the sky, not only in the window in front of him, but also the window to the right of him.

And while he also experienced Christmas last year, this year will also be tons of fun as experiences the sights, sounds and tastes of the season.

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