Smart Cars are ridiculous.
Each time one of these mini vehicles pass me, I wonder why people would buy one.
They must be one of the most inconvenient vehicles around. Who are they good for?
You couldn’t own one if you had children or a dog bigger than your lap.
If you scuba dived, biked or did any other sport that required equipment, this car wouldn’t be for you. And if you would like to pick up more than a couple groceries after work, where do you put them?
But most importantly, when everyone else around you is driving pickup trucks and SUVs, do you really want to be driving a smart Car?
I don’t care how much of Mercedes-Benz safety features are in this mini-car, if you are driving one and you get hit by a one-ton pickup, the pickup is going to win.
LOL--I have to agree! Our neighbors across the street have a red one and everytime they shove their non-petite bodies in and take off I always say, please dont get in an accident b/c you'd be toast!
I always think the same thing too. What if you got in a wreck in that thing? Turned a corner too fast and it flipped over? Wanted to go on a vacation?? The top of the car isn't even big enough to put a turtle up there!
I think I'd rather drive a Smart Car than a Scooter, but other than that, I think it'd feel very unsafe!
My kids call them Fart Cars. Hilarity ensues.
I agree, those thing look like death traps. If everyone is driving around in them it's one thing but someone in a Tahoe could run you over and they'd just think they hit the curb...
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner
Have you seen the crash test videos with these stupid moronic looking cars? yeah, one against an SUV and the thing FLEW.
Oh, and I hate them too, I took a picture of one in a parking lot. they parked SIDEWAYS and took 2 spots. I was so pissed I had to stop myself from keying the car.
My neighbour has one. One night, some of the local neighbourhood hoodlums decided it would be fun to flip the car upside-down. This is how my neighbour found his car in the morning. If the thing is so light that a couple of teenage (I'm assuming, and probably correctly) kids can flip it over, how would it fare in an accident? And btw, the car was a write-off after that, and he had to get a whole new one.
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