Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Had a Dream

I Had a Dream
…That I owned an army-issued Hummer and I drove down the middle of the northbound and southbound lanes of the highway rather than sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic all weekend.

I Had a Dream

…That I foolish spend money and bought one of those Transformers logos for the Focus so it looks like it is an Autobot.

I Had a Dream
…That I won the lottery, paid off our debt and went on a vacation to a hot sunny destination with the family.

I Had a Dream
…That the boss gave me tomorrow off just so the babe and I could spend the day sleeping in, going to a library program, playing on the swings and just hanging out for an extra day.


Unknown said...

Right now I'm having a dream that I can just take the day off to be sick and miserable by myself. But like I said, it's only a dream...

Anonymous said...

Keep dreaming. They bring smiles to our days even when seemingly impossible. But, is there really an impossible dream? I like to dream not!

Nicole said...

Wow, that's better than my dream in which a dad at the school was stalking me and then one of the moms made me take on the Teacher Appreciation volunteer role and I didn't know how to make Halloween cookies and then none of my pants fit.

Betty said...

Keep dreaming those dreams Lisa, not only is it good for you, but it makes the world go round.

For those who don't dream you haven't lived.

CoconutPalmDesigns said...

Ooooo... I like your dream about winning the lottery and the day off work so you could sleep and play.

Cheers :-)
- Rainforest Mommy