Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Heart Swells With Pride

Last night my son wore skates on the ice for the first time in his life.

At 6 p.m., I put him in the arms of one of his skating instructors. He was pushed to a spot in the middle with other children who obviously had more experience on the ice than he did.

While the other kids were getting up and falling down (ouch), our guy stayed close to the instructor - on his bum.

For the rest of the class he stayed close to one instructor who held him and skated with him around the ice.

Eventually, she started teaching and he started learning.

She let go. Our guy stayed standing. I am not sure he even realized he was doing it.

He fell down. She showed him how to get up. She pushed him around the ice with her arms around his middle and he was using his feet. He stood with his arms straight out.

And then, he was skating.

She let him go and he would take several steps on his own before losing his balance and falling into the instructor’s arm.

Then it happened. He skated several steps into her outstretched arms and he arrived there without falling.

In the course of a half hour lesson, my guy was skating – and having fun.


Unknown said...

Aw, yay for E!! Great job! I thought about you guys last night, as I myself went cautiously around the ice on skates - the first time since my broken wrist!

Nicole said...

That's great!!!

Christina Lee said...

AWWWW--loved this!

CoconutPalmDesigns said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I'm so PROUD of you Little Man! Great pictures Lis!

Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns