Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Allergic to Work

For the last couple of weeks, I have had a headache every day.

I jokingly mentioned to Joanne from Coconut Palm Designs that I was allergic to work.

Now I think I really am because I also noticed those same headaches that make me want to throw up and push my head in to relieve the pain miraculously go away once I leave the office for the day, only to return when I step inside the building.

I spoke to the human resources person about testing the air quality inside the office. She suggested getting rid of old newspapers, which collect dust, and will check the vents.

However, the air quality was tested two years ago and everything was fine.

I wonder if I can go on long-term disability due to my allergic reaction to work.


Amy DM said...

Could it be a plant, the ink or something like that? Let me know if you get approved for work-allergy disability. I would apply next. :)

CoconutPalmDesigns said...

Going on long-term disability is an excellent idea! I wonder if I can do the same thing even though I am self employed!

Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns

Mz-Cellaneous said...

I like the idea of being allergic to work.

I kid... however, mold in the air ducts? I'm going with that!

Unknown said...

It could be anything. I used to get headaches at the daycare everyday after lunch. I think it was perhaps the cleaners they used after? I don't know. I just know that once I left, they were gone. You could try taking an antihistamine everyday for about a month or so and see if it gets any better. I found in the summer I get headaches constantly and once T convinced me to start taking Claritin everyday, the severity and frequency lessened.I have no idea what I am allergic to, just that it's something outside and that my only symptom is terrible sinus headaches.