People who have read this blog know I have had no shortage of troubles with disposable diapers.
I use cloth during the day, but at night I have to use Cruisers size 6 with a cloth diaper inside in order for my son to stay dry through the night.
But on Saturday, a friend gave me Fisher-Price nighttime diapers, size 5. I tried them Saturday and Sunday night.
My son was dry – not even a wet spot – for 12 hours.
It’s a miracle, people. It’s worth the cost to switch to Fisher-Price.
Hooray for miracles!
We have the same problem - I might have to try those. I wonder if I can get them here... thanks.
as the mom of 2 bed wetters... I say, kudos!
We had similar problems. I haven't seen Fisher Price diapers here, but we use GoodNights. They cost more but they've worked for us so far.
Never tried Fischer Price diapers, my daughter mainly uses Pampers, Seventh Generations and sometimes Luvs.
Yeah for dry nights!!! And dry mornings too! They don't have Fisher Price Diapers here but even if they did I am sure I couldn't afford them anyway.
Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns
Wow, really?? Yipee yay!!
Wow, really?? Yipee yay!!
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